Flower Interruption: Bikes, Jaipur, India, 2005


Following my visit to Indonesia, I traveled to northern India in December 2004. The main purpose of this visit was to meet up with my friend Sarita and attend her cousin Vishal's wedding. However, I also was interested in initiating a project in India to paint rickshaws or auto-rickshaws similar to my project painting becaks in Indonesia. 

The opportunity presented itself in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Sarita and I befriended an auto-rickshaw driver named Mohamed, who then introduced us to his friends at a textile shop. However, rather than tricycles, I ended up painting two-wheelers -- at Mughal India Carpets & Textiles. In exchange for painting their motorbikes, I was provided home-cooked meals and endless chai while I worked. Again, I felt honored to be included in another fraternal order, sharing meals and stories.